A review by boezaaah
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien


I'm so sad. So, so sad. I have such a special place for this story in my heart, and getting to experience it during such an awkward time in everyone's lives made it all the more bittersweet. I know this book isn't perfect, there are so many things I would criticise about it if it were written in 2020, but the magic and personality of this story means so much to me that I can't imagine calling it anything other than one of my favourite novels of all time. I know so many people have differing opinions of this book, but I'll be damned if I lied to you and said it isn't perfect in my eyes. Part of my enjoyment may be due to my love for the movies and familiarity with the characters and the story, and maybe I wouldn't have loved it had I not grown up with the movies. I think people who read the book growing up took more offence from the movies than I did, but at the end of the day, this is a children's book, and the movies are just as fun and heartwarming (heartbreaking) as the book, and I wouldn't change it for the world.

Anyway, now that I've poured my heart out, I'll get back to mourning for my dwarves and Bilbo, I'll miss them, but I'll no doubt return to them many times throughout the rest of my life. Farewell!

(P.S. If you want to feel true pain, listen to Islands by Young the Giant while you read the last chapter. It hits different)