A review by storiedconversation
A Christmas Wedding in the Cotswolds by Lucy Coleman


A Christmas Wedding in the Cotswolds by Lucy Coleman is such a good book and is a standalone. That being said I think it would have better if I had read Christmas at Lock Keeper's Cottage. In fact, when I went and read that one, the reread this one I enjoyed it more. That is why I took off a star, I would have liked to know that ahead of time.

Imogen and Grey are getting married after a year long engagement. Imogen is super busy though which throws a bit of a monkey wrench into things. Add in how busy Grey is and well it is almost impossible.

Like I said this is a great little story and while it is set during Christmas it is not an in your face holiday theme.

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review. This review was originally posted on Wickedly Romance