A review by myzanm
Shawn's Law by Renae Kaye


I laughed a lot and even shared a tear or two.

I loved Shawn and his whacky family. I loved his ditzy sister and her sweet kids. I loved his mother in her glorious confusion. I was so happy Shawn at least got to his mother back even for that brief instant.
I mostly liked Harley, but I did think he was a bit self centered.
That was also part of the reason this didn't get the full pot from me.

SpoilerI didn't like how he was so clueless to how he hurt Shawn. And I certainly didn't like the apology scene. Sure the both had part in the break up, but why did Shawn have to be the first to apologize? In my mind he was the one who was hurt worse, because being (or feeling) belittled by the one who says they care about you and making you feel bad about yourself is more damaging than a break up. I can see how Shawn took the cowardly way out when he should have opened his mouth to tell Harley how he was feeling.
I didn't like how Harley leaves the country after just accidentally finding out Shawn was in the hospital. Did he ever find out what happened to him? Why didn't he start his forgiveness campaign before going away?