A review by a_h_haga
Darkbound by Scott Tracey


Ok, so I've just resently read the first book in this series, and really liked it.
So it was such a dissapointment when this one didn't really give me anything.

I have to admit, that one of the reasons I find this a bit dissapointing, is because I thought this series was a duology, and then I started reading this one, and realised that it would not be a duology.
Also, theres a change in POV from the first book to this one.
In the first book we followed Justin, but in this one, we follow Malcom.

And he's sooo angsty!
I get it, he's been through a lot, and therefore don't trust people.
But all he did in this book was walk around mopping over either this or that.
It was soooo boring.

We didn't really get any character arc in this book either.
From any of them.
It was mostly just Mal walking around thinking about how he hate everything.

And whats with all the gay?
I love the fact that Mal is gay, and that we get to know that early on.
Its nothing he's ashamed about.
But in this book, being straight was beeing diverse. 'cause suddenly every boy in the story was atleast bi-curious and interested in Mal, and the one girl he knows outside the Coven turned out to like girls.
Even one of the guardiens turned gay.
And I'm all for it, but when everyone turnes gay, it just gets a little laughable.

Don't get me wrong, I don't mind diverse characters.
I love them.
But some of what makes them diverse, is the fact that there are ''few'' of them.
And when everyone around a gay character are gay, it turns weird.
If only the girl was gay, I would be all for it.
But almost everyone Mal met in this book, was gay!

So yeah, not a good book.
It was a chore getting through it, and I'm not sure I will bother getting the next book in the series