A review by greyscarf
Library Wars: Love & War, Vol. 12 by Kiiro Yumi


Kasahara & Dojo spend some private time together--a quiet tea leads Miss K to become more confused over Dojo's intentions. But their afternoon outing quickly turns into a Task Force assignment. A local power plant is attacked by militants & a Japanese author, Kurato Toma, is blamed for inspiring the violence. (Toma is Japan's Tom Clancy & writes political thrillers; one even outlines a similar event.) Toma seeks asylum at the Kanto base and Kasahara & Dojo pose as a young couple in order to cover his tracks from MBC agents following the author. But Head Librarian Eto's true loyalties are revealed when he sends two henchmen to kidnap Toma for the Future of the Library group. The attempt fails & Shibazaki comforts Tezuka over his brother's betrayal. Shibazaki ensnares Satoshi as an ally, convincing him to abandon Eto to the Defence Force's IA inquiry.

A fun issue full of twists! Dojo & Kasahara's "romantic" day will lead readers on, just as Iku is, as to what Dojo's real feelings are. The political maneuvering between the MBC, the LDF, and the Future of the Library is fascinating & it's nice to have Shibazaki along to explain things. Her conversation with Satoshi is a deft piece of subtle manipulation & flattery & of course he is totally up to play. (Creepy bugger. . . ) He redeems himself somewhat but I still don't trust him. Also, not a pretty thing to see Tezuka's self-control finally break. I knew my worries about him would prove true at some point. But I think our manipulative little Asako can keep him in line--she's kind of bloodthirsty underneath too. . .