A review by justmeandmybooks_
The Brilliant Death by A.R. Capetta


4.5 stars

This book was FANTASTIC.

Wait no, sorry, let me try again, I don't think I was clear enough. THIS BOOK WAS REALLY FANTASTIC AND AMAZING AND I LOVED IT SO SO SO MUCH GO READ THIS BOOK.

There we go. That was better.

What? I haven't convinced you to read it yet? Okay fine. Here is a list of (some of) the reasons why you need to read this book:

- The wonderful world building! I fell completely in love with this world. It felt so real and rich and complex. I wanted to know so much more about it, not because it was underdeveloped, but because it was incredibly well developed and focused only on a small amount of the world, leaving me desperate to know more. We were peeking into a small section of a much larger world. And I freaking loved that.

- The cool magic! I meant to lump this in with world building but then I rambled too much so now it's getting it's own section. I adored the magic system in this book! It was unique and dark and well thought out, and I was fascinated by it.

- The queer rep! During this book our main character Teo is questioning their gender identity (I don't know how exactly they identify, but they're very clearly not cis), and Teo's love interest Cielo is genderfluid(!!!).

- Teo! Teo is such a fantastic character and I really freaking love them! So is Cielo! Cielo is my favourite! They're such a wonderful character! I also love the dynamic these two have 😍😍

I will admit the pacing was pretty off, and the plot wasn't necessarily super strong either, but overall? I LOVED THIS BOOK SO MUCH OH MY GOD!!! GO READ IT. YOU WON'T REGRET IT.

***Initial Reaction, January 28, 2019***

This book was so unique, and weird, and cool, and amazing and AHHHHHH I LOVED IT SO MUCH!! I had a few minor quibbles, but IT WAS SO GOOD. Go read it. Right now. RTC.