A review by jaclyn_sixminutesforme
Sweatshop Women: Volume 1 by Winnie Dunn


I’m so glad I managed to get a copy of SWEATSHOP WOMEN vol 1 edited by Winnie Dunn (with a wonderful foreword by Michelle Law).

This is a collection of writing (prose and poetry) by women from Indigenous, migrant and refugee backgrounds, and the focus on reclaiming their stories of love, faith, home and history made for a compelling and dynamic read! I loved that they were situational, or cast the memory net back to childhood, and how unique each piece was. I hope the contributors are names I see on more book spines and covers going forward, there was so much talent in this collection I’d highly recommend it as a glimpse into the future of #auslit!

Well done, @sweatshop.ws and thank you for having an international shipping option! I loved this!