A review by pewterwolf
Cloudy With a Chance of Destruction by Gwenda Bond


Not sure whether to give this a two or three stars as this is a novella, so this affect rating system for me.

I was given this for review from publishers via NetGalley in exchange for honest review.

This is a short story about Lois Lane, before she moved to the big city of Metropolis. In this, Lois has to deal with some bad chemistry. In more ways than one.

Now, this is a sneak peek, a short story, and it was a short and fun story. A bit addictive as well. It updated and "rebooted" Lois and I like this Lois. She did things herself, not waiting to be rescued. She rescued and saved the day herself.

However, there is something about this that I didn't like. I can't put my finger on it, but there is something that made me go "Are they rebooting Lois because she's an interesting character that demands her own series, or are DC Comics rebooting her to be their version of "Marvel's Agent Carter" and milk that cash cow dry?". I questioned the publishers reasoning behind this and that's never a good thing.

But am intrigued over this series - shame it doesn't have a UK publisher to my knowledge - and will await people's reactions to the first book in the series,[b:Lois Lane: Fallout|23110163|Lois Lane Fallout (Lois Lane, #1)|Gwenda Bond|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1418907660s/23110163.jpg|42657804].