A review by mschlat
Matter by Iain M. Banks


[From my 2013 reading] I may have read [b:The Player of Games|18630|The Player of Games (Culture, #2)|Iain M. Banks|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1386922873l/18630._SY75_.jpg|1494157] years ago, but in my memory this is the first Iain Banks I've read. Lots of big sf concepts mixed with big ol' space opera and (in the beginning of the book as least) a lot of thinking about contact between cultures with radically different levels of development. In fact, I described the book to my wife, and she said "It's a book about the Prime Directive". That's a good summary, although the conclusion tilts more towards space opera action than the issues of culture interaction.

[From my 2023 reading] No, I had not read The Player of Games before, and, yes, this was the first Culture novel I read (both discoveries made as I have been reading or rereading the entire series). This is (somewhat surprisingly) one of the most straightforward Culture novels I have read so far, and the book that most resembles an action movie (albeit a very complex one). That's not meant to be an insult; Banks does an excellent job of weaving together characters and plotlines until everyone reaches the major climax. But, if you read Culture novels for the twists or deceptions, you will be disappointed.