A review by ericbuscemi
The Stupidest Angel: A Heartwarming Tale of Christmas Terror by Christopher Moore


How else but in a mad lib could you have a book involving an idiot angel, a pot smoking sheriff, a zombie Santa, a talking fruit bat, and Kendra, Warrior Babe of the Outland? From the mind and pen of Christopher Moore, that's how!

This is typical Moore fare, which is to say, atypical, irreverent, and funny as hell. It's a short, quick read that never takes itself the least bit seriously, and, best yet, it's a Christmas story (I really hope they make a movie out of this, as is allegedly in the works. I would watch it every holiday season, assuming they didn't fuck it up).

I honestly don't want to say more about the plot, because it's probably funnier if you don't know what is coming, but I will leave this quote, which comes from the end of Chapter One, to give you an idea of the tone of the book.
In another Christmas story, Dale Pearson, evil developer, self-absorbed woman hater, and seemingly unredeemable curmudgeon, might be visited in the night by a series of ghosts who, by showing him bleak visions of Christmas future, past, and present, would bring about in him a change to generosity, kindness, and a general warmth toward his fellow man. But this is not that kind of Christmas story, so here, in not too many pages, someone is going to dispatch the miserable son of a bitch with a shovel. That's the spirit of Christmas yet to come in these parts. Ho, ho, ho.