A review by laura_corsi
The Book of Essie by Meghan MacLean Weir


Esther Anne Hicks, aka Essie, is the youngest star of her uber religious, evangelical Christian family's reality T.V. show, Six for Hicks. (Think The Duggars or The Bates Family) However, this family has a rather conniving matriarch who pulls all the strings behind the scenes and has long since given up whatever genuine caring she may have had for her family in her pursuit of ever higher ratings. She will sacrifice everyone and everything including her youngest daughter to insure that her empire continues undisturbed. Essie Hicks is done being the perfect daughter, though. Now, she will employ all of the tricks she learned from watching her mother to plan her perfect escape and her perfect revenge. This is a must read people!!! I cannot recommend it enough. And, if you are a religious junkie like me, who just can't get enough of learning about the effects of religion, both good and bad, on their constituents, then this is a book for you. It shows how religion taken to extremes or religion perverted leads everyone to their destruction sooner or later. Meghan Weir has tightly crafted this book so there is no lag and the literary devices are spot on! Pick up your copy today. I really cannot wait to read more from this debut author.