A review by lucy_qhuay
Fragile Longing by Cora Reilly


A very smart reader wrote here on Goodreads that this book's title should have been "Fragile Egos" and I can't agree more. Man, but both the hero and the heroine were insecure little messes and sometimes their shit really annoyed me.

Sofia was only 18, so I could somewhat excuse her childish behaviour and how she seemed intent on blaming her older sister (who had been gone from her life for years, by the way) for the fact Danilo didn't see her as a woman. Girl, if you were worried about that don't you think trying to impersonate your sister was a bad idea in the first place?

Danilo was ten years older than Sofia and a Mafia underboss no less, so he should have definitely gotten his shit together sooner. The fact that he kept on chasing blonde women to screw as a way to stick it to Sofia's sister was plain stupid, but who am I to judge?

That being said, I simply can't resist a good age-gap, unrequited love story, where one of the characters is vying for another's attention and love. Also, I seem to be on a Mafia quick since I read [b:Twisted Pride|43721791|Twisted Pride (The Camorra Chronicles, #3)|Cora Reilly|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1630080242l/43721791._SY75_.jpg|65739473] so of course I enjoyed myself despite the fuckery.