A review by jl27
Into Thin Air: A Personal Account of the Mt. Everest Disaster by Jon Krakauer


This book has been around for so long and read by so many that I can't possibly say something about it that hasn't already been said. I enjoyed the well-crafted, relatively easy read of what became a grueling account, at times; and I appreciate and respect Krakauer's detailed account of the experience -- one which I will certainly never have.

I can see how this piece probably did, as he mentions in the epilogue, upset or hurt a number of people. When you write something for yourself as a form of catharsis, then put it out there for everyone to read, it is bound to be misconstrued and judged in all kinds of ways.

Four stars, because parts of this book, especially towards the end with the "...at this exact time in this other place, these things were happening..." scenes became a little arduous to follow, and seemed like info overload.