A review by trackofwords
Rynn's World by Steve Parker


The very first Space Marine Battles novel, published back in 2010, this kicked the series off in style with an action-packed story of Crimson Fists battling a vast ork invasion. Despite the apparent folly of attacking a Space Marine home world, the Arch-Arsonist Snagrod’s unusual tactics surprise the Crimson Fists, resulting in huge numbers of orks landing onto Rynn’s World. When a million-to-one accident sees the Fists’ ancient and treasured fortress-monastery destroyed and the majority of their warriors slain, a determined defence turns into a desperate fight for the survival of the Chapter itself.

It’s not a truly in-depth exploration of the Crimson Fists as a Chapter, as that’s not really the purpose of the book (or this series), but it does take in a little of their ritual and philosophy, and gives them plenty of character. Seeing Space Marines with their backs against the metaphorical wall might not be to everyone’s tastes, but there should be enough here for any 40k fan to enjoy. Come for the brutal action and satisfying plot, but stay for the surprisingly relatable and interesting characters – and chances are you’ll want to read more about the Crimson Fists after this.

Read the full review at https://www.trackofwords.com/2018/04/07/rynns-world-steve-parker/