A review by andintothetrees
Sing You Home by Jodi Picoult


I have ample time to read these days, since I spend most of my waking hours (and many of those I would prefer to be sleeping) breastfeeding baby Freddie. I must confess that I have not spent as many of these hours reading books as I would ideally like to – the lure of reading random blogs and playing endless rounds of Words With Friends on my phone has proven too much – but I did manage to finish this bad boy yesterday. It was pretty much your typical Jodi Picoult book, and delivered what I hoped it would: distraction without the hassle of being made to think too much, and a completely over the top plot. I can’t with any honesty give it more than three stars though as it wasn’t good literature in any sense, and although it wasn’t one of her worst books (The Tenth Circle, anyone?), it certainly doesn’t compare to the un-put-down-able The Pact or Plain Truth (the latter of which I particularly enjoyed for its exploration of the Amish community’s way of life).

... [Read the rest of my review here: https://whathannahread.wordpress.com/2012/02/26/sing-you-home-by-jodi-picoult/]