A review by silquesoleil
The Girl Who Soared Over Fairyland and Cut the Moon in Two by Catherynne M. Valente


Read for the 2015 reading challenge: a book with magic

Truth be told, I could have sorted this novel in many other categories to save this category for the end of the year, because there are tons of books who contain magic – however, I have yet to find one so truly magical as this one.
The Girl Who Soared Over Fairyland and Cut the Moon in Two is the worthy third (and I think, last) novel of Catherynne Valente's Fairyland series and, although undeniably a children's book, this one adresses the worries of teenagers and mid-twenty-somethings alike.
It's a tale about love, but not a love story, a tale about wanting and belonging, about finding a way and struggling to find out what it is that you want to become. It's a fairy tale dressed in wild and pretty words, bubbling with emotion, where magic comes in sets of three.
Fantasy is often considered a form of escapism and there is nothing wrong with that; 2014 has been an awful year for most people and you deserve to be swept away by a good book. But Fairyland is a version of the real world, observed through a different lense which allows you to look at seemingly trivial things from a new, magical angle.
How often do you get the chance to relearn the world anew?

We can all use a bit more magic in our daily lives.