A review by llamalluv
Best Friends by Laurann Dohner


I really liked the connection between stories in this one. It's good to see the two girlfriends both get their man. And the heroines were NOT Mary Sues! Not even Mary, who ends the book still scared of every kind of animal ever. No one allowing them to just wander around in the Outworld to be kidnapped by another demented Mercile employee or cult member.

Why did I always think Snow was a Feline Species? I guess I didn't pay enough attention to the previous mentions.

Ascend makes a brief appearnce, the first since (IIRC) his encounter with Slade in the forest during the rescue of Doc Trisha. Again, his species is not specified or implied.

Two more new NS: Wind and Chimes. I would love it if these turn out to be siblings. I know Fury and Darkness are cross species brothers, so how about a brother and sister with coincidentally coordinating names?

A new Feline is introduced: Lapis, named for his deep blue eyes that resemble the stone. He insists humans are terrible, even if they are pretty and share sex with Species. He's going to have a human mate before long, I'm sure.

I'm noticing a pattern with Feline Species..."Human women are (terrible/fragile/too loud when they scream in terror) and I would never mate one." Five minutes later: "Allow me to introduce my new human female mate." (See Valiant, Justice, Brawn, Tiger, especially Darkness...)