A review by kimching232
All Lined Up by Cora Carmack


All Lined up drew me in from the pretty cover to the interesting synopsis, so when I learned about the blog tour, I immediately joined and was ecstatic to find out that I got accepted! When I received the review copy, I immediately delved into it, and here I am now, just a few minutes after finishing the book, writing this review because I was too excited.

Dallas Cole, Rusk University's head coach's daughter, is tired of football. Her dad used to just coach high school football, but now moved to college ball, in the university she is attending no less. Her luck couldn't be much worse, because Levi, her ex-boyfriend is studying at the same university as well! Her relationship with her dad was never really that good, and now she finds herself in his shadow yet again.

Carson McClain transferred to Rusk University just this year hoping to gain a permanent spot in the football team and with that, earn a scholarship. He wanted to have no distractions and stay focus, but all that changes when he meets Dallas in a college party in the first week of school.

There, Dallas and Carson talks and enjoys themselves, until Stella, Dallas' best friend, arrives and Dallas has to leave, but not before giving Carson her number. They texted each other after that, until one day, Carson's replies suddenly stopped. Dallas and Carson bumped into each other in school one day and Carson promised to explain why that night, but on the same day, Dallas finds out that Carson is part of the football team when she went to find her dad and bolts. Things become complicated because Dallas Cole doesn't date football players anymore.

Soon, Dallas and Carson compromises to stay friends because they both have something to lose. After that, they spend more and more time with each other until the attraction is just too much.

I loved reading this book because of a number of things. I loved how Stella was always there for Dallas and always encouraged her to have the college experience, despite her being scared that her dad might find out. I loved how hilarious the dialogues between Dallas and Carson were, and how that didn't disappear as the romance built up. I loved how there was a romance build up, and how good it was, unlike other books out there. I loved how Dallas and her dad came to an understanding in the end, how her Dad opened up and really listened to what she was saying. I loved how the dad still stayed how he is and just magically transformed into this perfect dad because come on, that would never happen in real life! I also loved how Carson had a part in all that because even just for a little, he made Dallas understand her dad's side. And also, I really love how personal this is for Cora Carmack, being a coach's daughter herself.

But most of all, I love how this book is not just about college, football or romance. It's also about family friendship and life. Because these are that books that I love and that matter. These are the books worth reading and must be read. I admit, I had a hard time understanding the football terms since it's not a popular sport in my country, but I still really enjoyed this. Overall, I just really love this book, and I recommend this to everyone because of how amazing it is. 4.5 stars for this great one!