A review by curls
Moonscript by H.S.J. Williams


Tellie is an ordinary human orphan living with an abuse aunt and uncle, when her life drastically changes. She overhears a plot to lure the king of the elves by showing him the heirloom necklace of the king’s only son Errance, who died seventy years ago.

Tellie finds the necklace and takes it to the king herself. The king reveals to her that Errance is not dead - he was taken and tortured by the enemy of the elves, the Darkness. But since the necklace revealed itself to Tellie, she has to find him and bring him home.

“What else did my father say?” he whispered.
She searched desperately for something comforting, something kind. “He said…he said darkness could not last forever.”

Religion is a major part of this book. The elves and humans share the same belief in their god Ayeshune. This is a thinly veiled story of the prodigal son - which would have worked better if Errance hadn’t been so innocent when he was taken. It wasn’t a willing descent into darkness, he was forcibly taken there and tormented. Bless him, he needs a hug.

It was nice to see a religion portrayed in fantasy that wasn’t completely corrupt. I felt like it was very respectful of people who have faith.

“What do you think about God?”
The boy coughed. “Pardon?”
“I mean, I’ve sort of believed in him. I was always taught to pray to him. But the elves actually seemed to believe in his existence as a guiding force in the world. And they have a name for him and everything. I mean, I’ve heard that name, but they use it so personally.”

The story is told in third person, which I liked. But sometimes it was tough to tell whose perspective I was reading from. It might jump from different people with no indication of whose POV I was reading from and I’d have to go back and check. A small problem that was a little distracting. I hope further books are more clear on whose POV is featured.

I really liked the illustrations and was surprised to see that the author did her own. It was really neat.

All in all, I enjoyed this fantasy. It’s about family and the ties that bind us. If you’re looking for a fantasy with religious overtones and no romance, you might want to check this one out. Free on kindle unlimited.