A review by witandsin
Chain Reaction by Zoe Archer


Review originally posted on Wit and Sin: http://witandsin.blogspot.com/2012/05/review-chain-reaction-by-zoe-archer.html

Lieutenant Celine Jur is a legend even among her fellow Black Wraith pilots. But even legends can be captured and Celine was only recently rescued from captivity after a device disabled her ship. Now the man who created the device has been located and Celine is ready for revenge. The only problem? Command wants her to take engineer Nils Calder along on the mission. Celine has no desire to bring a guy from NerdWorks with her. If she needs a partner, she’ll take one trained for combat. But tech geek Nils has a few surprises in store for Celine. He isn’t just a brain and he’s ready to prove to Celine he’s more than capable of being her partner…in more ways than one.

Zoë Archer’s second 8th Wing story is even better than the first! CHAIN REACTION is a sexy, fun, clever story that’ll keep you entertained from the first page to the last. I love how Celine’s strength was complimented by her femininity. So often when we see tough heroines, the authors have them act masculine as a way to prove their strength – something I find unnecessary. Ms. Archer excels at creating a strong female protagonist who is relatable as well. I adored Celine and wanted her to find happiness with someone who sees her as more than a famous pilot. Nils is exactly the right man for her. He’s a total geek (which I love), but he’s also a skilled fighter. I admit, I was slightly envious of Celine because I’d love to have Nils show up on my doorstep ;) Still, Nils and Celine complement one another perfectly, which is what makes CHAIN REACTION such an excellent story.

I’m very picky about science fiction stories and I’m not too keen on a lot of the sci-fi romances out there. However, since I enjoy Ms. Archer’s work I decided to give her 8th Wing series a try. I’m so glad I did. No matter the genre, Ms. Archer delivers a great story with excellent world building and characters readers are sure to become invested in. If you haven’t read the first 8th Wing book, Collision Course, you can read CHAIN REACTION as a standalone. However, fans of Collision Course will undoubtedly be delighted that Kell and Mara play strong supporting roles in CHAIN REACTION.

Whether you like sci-fi, romance, nerdy heroes, strong heroines, or all of the above, CHAIN REACTION is a solidly entertaining read you’ll no doubt enjoy. I finished Nils and Celine’s story a well-satisfied reader and I can’t wait to read Ms. Archer’s next book!

*Review copy provided by Carina Press and NetGalley