A review by salembooks
Whisper of the Tide by Sarah Tolcser


Going into this duology, I expected a very different storyline because I kept seeing it pitched as a pirate book. I was pleasantly surprised that it has some exciting pirate elements- swordfights, a visit to a Pirate Island, a shipwreck, danger on the high seas, but it is much more original than just a pirate tale. It is the story of a group of characters trying to overcome their past to find themselves and their place in the world. I love that Sarah gives us a Breakfast Club type crew and takes the time to develop each in their own way- the Emparch (King), the wherryman’s daughter, the exiled pirate, the revolutionary, and the shadow(wo)man struggling with revealing her magic.

Whisper of the Tide explores the idea of being “chosen” by specific gods, whether they be of the river, the ocean, or others that I am sure exist in this world. We know that some are chosen by the gods, but one of the main themes is what does that mean in regards to fate, destiny, and free will? What happens when you are/ are not favored, when a god turns their back on you, or expects things of you that you are not willing to give… Toward the end, we are given a hint that maybe there could be another story of a chosen one (please??).

At its core, Whisper of the Tide is a story of love (I LOVED Caro and Markos’ banter), strength, and determination and I can’t wait to read more from Sarah Tolcser.