A review by reading_rainbow_with_chris
Alligator and other stories by Dima Alzayat


“Alligator & Other Stories” by Dima Alzayat

This collection of short stories was one of those books I picked up randomly for no reason; it was listed as one of the best of 2020 by our local bookstore (shoutout to Dotters Books in Eau Claire, WI) so I decided to give it a try. Alzayat has created a beautiful collection of stories revolving around grief, loss, and cultural identity. Her voice as a writer is preeminent in each story without overwhelming the individual narrative speakers. Particular standouts for me included “Ghusl,” “Disappearance,” “In the Land of Kan’an,” and “Summer of the Shark.” The title story “Alligator” is also a wonderful piece, but I found it more an intellectual exercise than an engaging one due to the intertextual nature of writing. It was a wonderful story, but less engaging than others.

As a collection the book is cohesive and consistent, perhaps to a minor fault. The themes here resulted in similar tones of each story which at times made it harder to pick up again after each story. I enjoyed them when I was reading, but I never felt compelled to pick up the book later because I already felt I knew what tone or vibe I would get. Still a phenomenal collection well worth a read for anyone who loves short stories or has an interest in cultural performance and narratives.