A review by slawler
For the Wolf by Hannah Whitten


One thing that I particularly love about this book is the emphasis on the strong loving relationship between the two sisters, Red and Neve, and their selfless (albeit, often misguided) actions and sacrifice to keep each other safe.

I loved the complicated relationship between the Wolf and the Wilderwood, blood and bone and branch and magic. There were beautiful and grotesque cinematic scenes, gorgeous imagery, and some beautiful prose.

Overall, some more editing would have helped the novel to flow. There was a lot of repetitive description and action (so much hand flexing) that I would start skimming, and then need to go back and reread in case I missed some of the well-turned prose I was trying to savor.

This is my second read through, in anticipation of the sequel, and I found that the story flew by and was still a fun and engaging book.