A review by c_marie_writes
Haunting Adeline by H.D. Carlton


I picked this up and set it down SO many times, and I don't know why! It was highly recommended by a few book lovers I follow on IG, and yes, I'll admit, it's certainly not everyone's cup of tea. But damn! When I finally picked it up again I binged the last 300+ pages or so in one afternoon, and I've already had to start the 2nd book in the series because talk about a cliffhanger of an ending!?! HOLY HELL!

TW, yes... there are lots of dark elements to this book, and frankly, if you are triggered, this definitely is not the book for you.

That being said, yes, I love dark romance, and "smut" if you choose to call it that, and the things in this book, while not everyone's cup of tea, didn't offend or bother me.

H.D. Carlton is an excellent writer, bringing you into the characters' lives and minds SO very well. This book draws you in, pisses you off, makes you smile, makes you seethe with anger and so much more. Within seconds of finishing it, I started Hunting Adeline, because I simply HAD to see where this is going!

H.D. Carlton is at the top of my list of writers, and I will hunt down all of her books to add to my TBR.