A review by viiemzee
Private Peaceful by Michael Morpurgo


As some of you might know, I’m a high school English teacher teaching Form 2/8th Grade. For our book this year, we’re reading this wonderful World War I era novel by Michael Morpurgo.
Tommo Peaceful is our narrator and main character, telling us the story as he lie during a lull in battle in the trenches in France, digging through his memories and explaining how he even ended up where he is now. Tommo is young – barely eighteen yet – and he’s never really left his sleepy hometown in the middle of the countryside before this moment. Tommo’s life was pretty simple – he went to a sort of school until he was old enough to work, he loved his mother and brothers and this one girl in the village named Molly, and when the war come knocking on their door, Tommo found himself answering the call along with his brother Charlie.
What I find interesting about this story is that it isn’t actually about Tommo. Tommo is an intermediary character, a mere observer to the grander story that is Charlie. Charlie is Tommo’s older brother, two years his major and always his protector. Charlie is infinitely more interesting than Tommo, in my opinion. And really and truly, Tommo as a character only serves to tell Charlie’s story.
What I love about the story is the historical accuracy of it all, without it being shoved into anyone’s face outright. Charlie and Tommo were never very educated beyond their brief stint in school, which means that they have very little knowledge of what is actually happening in the world outside their village. They hear about the war and are very confused about it, not understanding where Sarajevo is or who the Archduke Ferdinand was. They enlist not really understanding what is going to happen to them, and they endure the whole thing knowing then that they might die.
The whole experience of reading this book was actually quite sobering, and I can only imagine what it does to a bunch of twelve-year-olds. The book’s overarching story of World War I does really well to complement the more personal story of Tommo and Charlie and their experience of the world and how the War not only changes it, but ruins it for them. The story is quite sad, but then again not everything can be sunshine and rainbows, and the reality of life in war is death and pain. Without making it too gory, violent or aggressive, the book does a pretty good job of showing that to people.
This book gets a rating of 4/5 from me as a reader (rather than a teacher). I think it’s a really good book and I’ve always thought that Morpurgo is a good writer. The themes of family, death and love in this book are well written out, and I feel like it’s also a really good young adult novel for those who like history.