A review by kristynicole3712
Fragile by Lisa Unger


This is the first novel I have read by Lisa Unger and I thought it was good, but not great. It follows the story of detective Jones Cooper and his wife Maggie who is a psychologist. Trouble begins when their son's girlfriend goes missing. While searching for the missing girl, the past gets pieced together, little by little. The past and present intermingle in this story of tragedy and secrets.

I think Unger does have a talent for writing suspense. The main thing that was problematic for me was that there were so many things going on that I got confused often. There were so many characters to keep up with and so many side stories to understand, it got a little complicated... All the characters' lives were interlaced with each other somehow. I won't begin to explain all the relationships, because I don't think I could. I don't like having to stop reading and figure out who knows who, and how, and, what part do they play in the story again? I think it would have been better if there weren't so many characters to keep up with, some I wonder why they were in the story at all.

The basic plot was good, but nothing amazing or unheard of. It was a little lengthy, although at the beginning I was completely hooked. I would suggest this novel for someone who likes crime novels, but I would say not to expect too much. For me, it is one of those books that was good, but not great; enjoyable but forgettable.