A review by bexsbookshelves94
Angelfire by Courtney Allison Moulton


This review and more can be found at:
Reading Under the Covers

This book has always been one that I have wanted to read for a long time and I was incredibly disappointed if I had read it when I was a lot younger then I am now I might have loved it but I just didn’t.

I am not sure what was worse. The character’s or the story writing. The story at it’s core had so much potential to be an amazing story but it just wasn’t.

The writing was very sloppy and felt like it had been written by a teenager. It lacked a lot in storytelling and it was slightly all over the place which made a lot of this story very confusing to follow that I found myself getting more and more lost as the story kept going.

The characters we’re such a bore. There was no character building and they all lacked a personality. A main character should have the best character building in the book, after all they are the one taking is through this story but this main character was just boring and I feel like she didn’t grow at any point in the story. She was the worst main character ever and it was just awful.

I so very much wanted to like this book and I just couldn’t and I hate that fact. It had so much potential but a brilliant book. The ‘mythology’ within the book gave it a good foundation to build in but nonetheless I am incredibly unhappy with this book.