A review by whatcha_listening_to
Jack & Coke by Lani Lynn Vale


5 Jack & Coke Stars

I am sucked in. I have stars in my eyes. This series is awesome!

I am going to sound like a gushy mick gush’ersin!! I <3 Mig!
I loved book 1 and I am all crazy over book 2. How did I not know about this series.. Ok anywayssssa back to the book.

Mig is one heck of a man, not only does he do what he thinks is best even if it’s at the expense of his own happiness. But he is strong, fearsome, and loyal.
He just digs his way into your heart and you can’t help but want to heal him. And make it all better. But he is too manly for that. Haha I can’t even tell you how much I like this character.

Annie is a character I thought only got stronger over the course of the book. She became the kind of women Mig needed. She wasn't ever a weak kind of women but I loved the spunk she has and how she doesn't take any gruff from anyone including Mig. I love that every female character in this series can stand on her own. She doesn't NEED a man but hey it’s nice to have one around right. ;)

I swooned, I had a tear it didn't leave my eye but I was left with a huge smile on my face. These are my kind of HEA’s.

Again, same narration as book 1 so already knew I was a fan but I liked that it didn't sound like the same book. Sometimes I find if it’s the same narrator/s in a series with different characters the books bleed together. But I am so happy that was NOT the case. I am so jumping on to book 3!

*You don't have to like my review but its 100% my opinion, and I am allowed to have it.*