A review by michaelrgoodwin
Kitchen Sink by Spencer Hamilton


This collection of stories is, in a word, impressive.

More than two dozen stories are collected in this book. From creepy-crawlies to vampires, fantasy to chilling paranormal, heartfelt exposition to straight-up gore and violence, the stories within are very creative, original and exceedingly well-written.

Hamilton doesn't mess around, and he's not afraid of taking chances. Some of these stories are odd in their initial premise, but Hamilton makes them work just the same. He grabs your attention and pulls you in, not always bothering to explain why something is. I appreciate this boldness, as I feel that a short story shouldn't require much explanation. It just needs to speak to the reader with confidence that what is happening simply is happening, and to strap in for the ride. SOWISA, as it were.

Not every story spoke to me, but a majority of them did. One in particular makes me excited for the release of Hamilton's future works.