A review by emiged
Mighty Be Our Powers: How Sisterhood, Prayer, and Sex Changed a Nation at War by Leymah Gbowee


This startlingly intimate memoir is uplifting and heart-wrenching, sometimes in the same paragraph. Ms. Gbowee pulls no punches describing her experiences during the decade-long civil war that destroyed much of her country. There are some scenes in this book that are incredibly difficult to read as she documents the terror and fear that were constant companions for thousands of Liberians for years on end.

Ms. Gbowee is open about her personal failings, as well as the problems her country faced and still faces. But I so admire her willingness to be open about her mistakes, to use her experiences to lead her to empathy instead of despair, and to reach out to others. She, and those with whom she works, do an incredible amount of good, working for peace and justice and inspiring others - especially women - to take a stand as well. Ms. Gbowee is one of my heroes.

This quote resonated with me: "Nothing feels distant anymore...Every conflict has a face, many faces. Every problem touches your heart."

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