A review by introspectiv
Torn: Rescuing the Gospel from the Gays-Vs.-Christians Debate by Justin Lee

challenging inspiring reflective


As a queer person who's struggling with my Christian faith, I found this book hard to read. It really put me into an existential crisis for (at least) a whole week. I really needed to read this though. 

I have huge respect towards Justin for not giving up on his faith, despite being hurt and traumatized by the church again and again. I respect him for writing this book and sharing his story. I think it's a great bridge indeed to help straight Christians understand just what exactly are we going through, and what they mustn't do. I also like his bravery for calling out the LGBT+ community, such as the things they can say/do that also repulse Christians from understanding us (e.g., disregarding the Bible altogether when this represents the Christians' value systems). We tend to do this from a place of hurt, but our words and actions are not justified as well. Overall, I appreciate the effort of dissolving the 'culture war' between the gays and Christians. 

I always felt like I had to choose a side. This is something I'm still unlearning, but reading this book was a great first step. I'll do my best to be patient towards others who don't have much time to process, if ever I do come out someday. I still don't see myself in a church since I don't want to risk being hurt (a waste of headspace!) and add an experience to my religious trauma, but we'll see. I appreciate Justin's advocacy to build a bridge and engage in a respectful dialogue.