A review by jar7709
In the Darkroom by Susan Faludi


Wow, Stefanie Faludi. What a life. A complicated person, slowly and reluctantly revealed to the author. Stefanie (first Istvan, then Steven) came of age Jewish in Nazi-occupied Budapest, survived and saved and hid, later moved to South America and then the USA, where she started a family and had daughter Susan. I'd never read any Susan Faludi before, just had a vague awareness of her as a feminist writer, but based on this masterful book I will be looking for more. Susan and Steven had a difficult relationship and a long estrangement, lasting most of Susan's life, until she received an out-of-the-blue email from her father announcing her sex-change operation and transition to female. I can't write much here that isn't better summarized by other reviewers, but holy wow. Fascinating read.