A review by bionicsarah
Off Target by Eve Smith


I was intrigued by the subject of this novel which looks at a world where it is possible to edit the games in your children in a far more detailed way than is possible currently with preimplantation screening and selecting embryos for implantation based on their genes .
in the world of this book science has progressed so far that most people are deciding to use assistive reproduction techniques and are thus able to influence many parts of their child's background before they are pregnant . The main character of the book finds herself unwittingly pregnant in the old fashioned way after a one night stand and discovers it is possible to change the genetic make up of her child when she is in the womb and effectively make the child genetically her husbands
The novel does hint on the blackness in the character of people behind some of these choices but didn't quite go deep enough in my view to make the book truly great . I was left feeling like these issues had been given a superficial look at only leaving me feeling a bit frustrated .
Instead of going for a deep dive into the ethics of the issues the book skirts over them giving a chick lit coverage , perhaps this was intentional as it could've been quite a bleak book and instead the final story is a good interesting read which is likely to appeal to a wider reading audience