A review by taylorardoin
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn


Ummm...I don't understand all of the hype around this book? I am big on reading the book before you watch the movie. However, I had to watch the movie just to see if this book was even worth finishing. It took me so long to get through this book - luckily I had the audiobook to help (although I was constantly checking to see how much time was left). I just couldn't wait until it was over.

I will say, once you get to part 2 (literally halfway through the book) and the first twist happens, the story gets crazy and awesome. My mouth literally dropped at some of the parts. The story really picks up from there. Unfortunately, it was almost too late for me. I wasn't ready to admit defeat, though, and I did finish the book. I just wish the whole book was as fast-paced and crazy as parts 2 & 3 were.

I know you guys didn't come for a movie review/comparison, but I will say the movie left me with the exact same feelings as the book. Picked up around the first big twist and got crazier and crazier and I loved it from there. The movie left out a lot of little details that typically would really bother me. But in this case, the details were really unnecessary and I found that I actually enjoyed the movie more than the book. The book was just too long in my opinion. It dragged and dragged.

I just don't understand why this book was so popular. I am so glad I'm finally done and can move on. I give it two stars, because the second part did get much better and I was able to finish the book. If I couldn't get past the second part and wasn't able to finish, I would have gone down to one star.

I'm so glad this chapter of my life is behind me. (pun intended - ha!)