A review by elste
Blue-Eyed Devil by Lisa Kleypas


Holy Cowboy! Lisa Kleypas did it to me again!

Once more, as with the Hathaway series, I have been bewitched and spellbound by the Travis Family. Lisa Kleypas delivers some powerful storytelling. Each volume is brought forth through the eyes of our heroine. Her story is told almost autobiographical; reflections, memories, and most importantly, the people and relationships responsible for shaping and shifting their individual life path.

Sugar Daddy, being that of Liberty Jones’ story, is expressed through the heart of a compassionate dreamer. Liberty is a rock solid woman. She knows about hardship, sorrow, tough decisions, and sacrifice, but through it all she never becomes disillusioned. Her generous heart and giving spirit remains steadfast and true. Sugar Daddy brings together Liberty Jones and Gates Travis with tenderness, passion, and old fashioned true grit. (4+ Stars)

Next, Blue-Eyed Devil -- Okay ... I confess, this one is my favorite. Actually, I read this one first, but after reading Sugar Daddy ... Yep, had to go back for seconds on Blue-Eyes. The emotional resonance of this story is both wretchedly tragic, and triumphantly redemptive. The coming together of Haven Travis and Hardy Cates is perfection, heart-rending and precious. Each born and breed on separate sides of the track, but ultimately forged from the same hellfire's. Hence, igniting their soul deep understanding of one another; as only those that have bore witness to the dark place can truly comprehend and accept in another. These two hearts that have been bloodied, scorched, and irrevocably scarred, finally find a place of healing in each others arms. Damn, I am a sucker for second chances, and this one takes the prize. (5 Stars)

Lastly, Smooth Talking Stranger. In this volume, Lisa Kleypas has a little fun. Turn the lights down low, turn up the perfect mood music, and relax with the entertaining sharp wit and sizzling passion between Jack Travis and Ella Varner. Of course, as with all things̶sometimes you must swallow the bitter with the sweet. So amidst the laughs and playful banter, Jack and Ella must navigate their budding relationship through personal fears, dysfunctional family members, and potential misunderstandings. Nevertheless, Smooth Talker plays-out as a light, lovable, and rousing romantic comedy. Have fun, y’all. (4+ Stars)

In addition to the wonderfully drawn characters, Kleypas breathes life into the wild and vivid State of Texas, as if it were a character unto itself. It has been said that everything is bigger in Texas, and if the Travis Family is presented as leading evidentiary support ... Then I am forced to yield to such an overwhelming affirmation. The Travis brothers, and Hardy Cates are, without a doubt̶keepers. To paraphrase from a line in a movie -- I didn’t think they made those models anymore?

Sweet indulgence ... Tall, Texan Men, can it get any better than that? Go on, you deserve it