A review by hyperashley
Fatal Greed by John W. Mefford


I wasn't too sure how I was going to like this book. It's not something I would typically read or be interested in but I liked it. The characters were complex and some were even like-able. John Mefford has a unique way of writing that turned something I would normally not like into something that managed to grab my interest in chapter one.

Michael was a man that was afraid of commitment. He lived a normal life with a beautiful woman that adored him, until the day he learns the CEO's of his company sold out and the company was merging with some big wig company. Then Michael finds a dead body in the dumpster, the secretary of the company. He starts digging into the young woman's murder to help the local newspaper. Will he find out more than he should and put not only himself but the woman he loves into jeopardy?

I loved Marisa and Michael together, they were oddly good together. Even though he wasn't a commitment guy at first he still loved her and they lived together. They were perfect for each other and it showed through Mefford's writing. I look for romance in every book I read so I was glad this had a little romance to it.

I'm not going to lie, even though this book got my interest early on, it almost lost it a couple of times. I thought it took a little too long before he found Tiffany's body. Then the whole middle of the book was kind of dull to me, thankfully it picked up around 65% through. It was almost like a roller coaster ride, it had my interest and then it lost, then it had it again and then it lost it and then it had it again and then it was over.

The ending was great! Other than Chucks part, I know this is a series so some things have to end that way but I always hate cliffhanger endings. Not sure if you can call that a cliffhanger though...I hate loose ends not being tied by the end of the book.