A review by radiance_01
Locklands by Robert Jackson Bennett


Having read RJBs Divine Cities series, the dramaticism of the culmination of this book wasn't unexpected, but it captured everything one would have wanted.

After the cliffhanger of Shorefall, the book paints a bleak picture of the setting, yet with flashes of hope and idealism within what remains of Sancia and Berenice's peoples. The book develops further on what occurred in the past for Clef and Crasedes, and turns the conflict on its head. Personal development is at an all time high in this final book, and I found myself enraptured by characters I did not expect to be captured by.

The ending, as expected by the tone of this book series, was apt and bittersweet, with the final battle a large, epic spanning battle that wouldn't be out of place in another fantasy novel. Well worth the read. Not for the faint of heart.