A review by varshiniramaraj
Soonish: Ten Emerging Technologies That'll Improve And/Or Ruin Everything by Zach Weinersmith, Kelly Weinersmith


I want to give this book 10 stars. Or give the authors a way to access cheap space travel so they can collect all the stars from there.

(Look, it me trying to be relatable by referencing a chapter from the book).

1) Which book gives you not only well-written chapters with understandable analogies for you to wrap around it, but also chapters which didn't make the mark and mourn for them?
2) Which book mixes up cannibalism, telepathy, technology, and other t-words all in the same book?
3) Which book has 9 pages of references?
4) Which book is the one to change your life?

The answer (because this is in a review) is Soonish.
I picked up this book after my friend recommended it to me because we both are nerds.
I took about 2 months exactly to read it , but I am so happy I took the time to pore through these pages because this is such a good book.

I found so many references to other books/academics through this one, and I know I shall go through all of those as well, although I'm not sure if I'll get the same "my world has changed" viewpoint as I did with this book.