A review by christajls
Dualed by Elsie Chapman


This review originally posted at More Than Just Magic

Simply put this novel is an exercise in bad decision making. If West (our protagonist) was as clever as the book kept telling me she was, then it didn’t make sense for her to continually and consistently make poor decisions. She should have been able to at least speculate on why something would end up working against her. But every time she was reckless and impulsive and I wished I could jump into the story and talk some sense into her.

Although to be fair, it may not be West’s fault that she made such poor choices, since the premise of the novel itself was a little shaky. I couldn’t understand why a society that was so poor would spend so much of their resources on the Alternate system. There was a brief explanation about breeding the strongest people but a society built solely on physical strength is doomed to fail and furthermore it seemed like all the money and resources invested in the manufacturing of alts could have been better spent on education and other programs that would have also created a stronger, smarter population but with a lot less bloodshed.