A review by whiterubys
Wilder Girls by Rory Power


"“I’ve spent every day since I met her telling myself the wrong thing. Telling myself over and over that she was cold, when maybe she was burning the whole time.”

This was like the sapphic version of Annihilation that I've been dreaming about for years, and as brutal, bizarre, and wild (ha) as this was, I enjoyed every bit of it.

When a mysterious virus takes over the world, the girls at the isolated school of Raxter are stranded on their island. Many of their teachers have died and left them to fend for themselves, and the girls are just barely pushing through. Hetty, Byatt and Reese are an unbreakable trio, until Byatt mysteriously disappears. Hetty and Reese break quarantine for the first time to find her, and discover more than they ever thought possible.

I will say, this book probably isn't for everyone. But I love the bizarre and the remarkable and the absolutely weird-ass sci-fi, and including the sapphics I feel like this book was catered directly to the weird abyss that is my brain. The book was wild and unpredictable and I loved every second of it. The main 3 also had a compelling relationship that promoted platonic love being just as important as romantic love (though there is a romance I'm head over heels for). My only criticism is that I wish the side characters were developed a bit more. If you're as obsessed and terrified with the bear scene from Annihilation as much as I am, this is a book you will not put down once you pick up.