A review by book_tangled
The Wedding Diary by Margaret James


This is one of the times when i wanted goodreads to introduce "half" star as my rating is- 2.5

Ok, i did finish it in a couple of days but it was just because i didn't having anything else going on and didn't wanted to start a series...

The story is about Cat, Our lead who has been chosen as a lucky winner of a marriage competition and now will have a perfect "Hi-Fi" wedding. The only problem? She doesn't know where her fiance is.
Our main male protagonist is not the Fiance but Jack, who is a builder and has been heartbroken by his girlfriend when she refused his engagement.

Now, as i've written the Blurb in my own words it does sounds good But well.... I guess the novel was not? At Least not that good that it got 5 stars from the other reviews of the book that i've seen.

This is a minority reviews guys.

Now, the things that I liked: cat's friends- Bex and Tess, they were funny and light. Fiona: The person who was handling the competition and the ending. That's it!

COMING TO THE CONS: I didn't like the main Protagonists! I mean the novel is cut by at least half the stars when you s=don't like when either one of them, right?

So, Cat: she was flat, boring and idk... just not interesting at all.
I mean who goes to her Fiance in one call when he shows up your doorstep after months when you are going to a place on weekend! She was just clueless in majority of the book for me. at least.

Adam: He was better than Cat, that's for sure! He was sweet but that's it, it's the only word that comes in my mind when i think about him. i didn't find any depth in his character.

THE SO CALLED LOVE: The couple fell in love while spending a weekend together. That's it. I mean i believe in love at first site but screaming your feelings to each other that quickly is something else.


Now, This may not be the perfect read for me,
i guess if you like sweet romance where there's more outlook on the side subjects as well like their profession, friends, etc then sure you can pick it up. It did have a nice wedding int he end, ergo .5 stars for it.