A review by em_r
The Invisible Kingdom: Reimagining Chronic Illness by Meghan O'Rourke


I did specifically pick this up in the hopes of finding some comfort in the midst of the frustration of having ongoing undiagnosed health issues.

While it is the author's personal story there were lots of observations/reflections on what it can feel like to not know what is going on with your body that *hit home* (or rather, my tear ducts, as I wasn't expecting to relate quite so much).

I didn't know much about Lyme disease before reading this so did find it interesting to learn some background on the history and (lack of) understanding around that too.

The author was obviously very lucky to be able to pay for investigations/treatments (despite still not getting completely definitive answers). Even then this highlights that in a system that favours those that have money to throw around, there must be so many more people with less privilege slipping through the cracks.