A review by stormiclouds
Keeper by Amy Daws


I fell in love with the Harris brothers the moment I started reading Challenge and as the series progresses they just keep getting better and better. Camden was firmly sitting pretty as my favorite Harris brother up until I read Keeper. Why? Two words: Booker Harris. *swoon* That man. Sweet baby Jesus. He is now sitting pretty at the top of my Harris brother totem pole with Camden right behind him. 

Not only does Keeper have the dreamy Booker Harris, but Poppy is adorable and quirky. Seeing her fall into an immediate friendship with Belle and Indie was so fun. Especially once Belle's crazy started showing. I seriously want to be best friends with these girls. 

If you have yet to meet the Harris brothers, you are missing out on truly wonderful books. Amy Daws weaves romance, sports, and amazing family dynamics to create stories that are both funny and romantic. Angst. Humor. Romance. Desire. It's all part of her magic.
Amy Daws you, my dear, are a freaking genius. Never stop writing.

I voluntarily received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.