A review by bookfever
Cruel Summer by Quirah Casey


Cruel Summer is the third book in the Brutal Winter series and even though it's number three already it doesn't mean that I loved it any less than the first two. If anything these books just keep getting better and I keep being obsessed over them and the characters. Quirah Casey continues to amaze and keep me hooked with this very dark series and I'm loving every bit of it!

Winter's character developement grew the most in this book, in my opinion and I'm so here for it. She's definitely not the same girl we met in the first book and it shows with how she reacts on different situation and to Giovanni, Maximo, Enzo and Vito. And I must say, I absolutely love this Winter!

Aside from Winter the stand-out characters in this book were Maximo and Enzo. Or as the author calls them 'Enzimo'. I wouldn't have said it in the first book but I love them, would do anything for them and am obsessed with them. It shows yet again how well Quirah Casey wrote them and how their characterization continues to grow, just like Winter's. Giovanni and Vito were also great (or disturbing...) in the book but Enzimo just took the cake for me.

There was a huge plot twist at the end. I didn't see it coming at all and I'm usually pretty good with these kinda twists but yet again I need to praise the author for doing such a good job with this particular twist because I was definitely shook. And it just makes me want the next book all the more. So far all three books have been five star reads which is something rare for me because I can't remember the last time that happened. Needless to say I'm highly anticipating book four!