A review by bmacenlightened
The Hell Bound Kids: Wild In The Streets by No Sell Out Productions


Punk city is an engineered urban hellscape run by horrifically bloodthirsty gangs of children chasing the next high and their next kill. The titular Hell Bound Kids or HBK are one such gang, and the main characters happen to be members. In the middle of their bloodthirsty gang activity one member, Ghost, finds himself feeling things that are not conducive to continuing on with being an active member of the gang. Specifically lines started appearing that he wasn't willing to cross or allow to be crossed, and he started pushing against them and longing for life outside the bounds of Punk City. Considering the city is an engineered hellscape and exists on purpose, the idea of someone being able to escape is not acceptable by the powers that be, so something has to and will have to give.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.