A review by char9222
Evernight by Claudia Gray


I got serious [b:Hex Hall|5287473|Hex Hall (Hex Hall, #1)|Rachel Hawkins|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1368393885l/5287473._SY75_.jpg|5354884] vibes from this book. I know Evernight is written 2 years prior to Hex Hall, but still. The same boarding school drama, the same love triangle drama, where Bianca = Sophie, Lucas = Archer, and Balthazar = Cal (even their personalities...
Spoilerand the fact that both Lucas and Archer are part of a 'resistance' group where they hunt and kill the vampires/Prodigiums...

It's a quick read, and a fine story, but I prefer Hex Hall. There's just something more that I'm missing from this book. Mainly because the main character is horrible a lot of the time.