A review by andrewgardner
Judaism Disrupted: A Spiritual Manifesto for the 21st Century by Michael Strassfeld


✡️ 🌼 Judaism Disrupted by Rabbi Michael Strassfeld 🌼 ✡️ 

Judaism is a rich 3,000+ year tradition full of wisdom and spirituality. It has evolved in its history and continues to evolve now (some like me believe). How is Judaism evolving in the 21st century? How can more traditional participants latch onto these changes so we can see the continuation of this practice? That’s what we explore in “Judaism Disrupted”.

This book came to me at the perfect time. Reflecting during the High Holidays this year, I was feeling pretty stagnant in my studies and practice. Since moving last year I’ve been feeling more alone in my Judaism after stopping my conversion process with a local rabbi due to some ideological differences. This book, though, cements and affirms the belief and aspects of Judaism that I knew I was attracted to and puts them in perspective for me as something that is attainable and justified. 

I hope this is making sense. In short, reading this made me feel less alone in my beliefs and outlook. This journey has been 4+ years long and I get discouraged that there seems to be no end in sight that I’ll ever feel “Jewish enough”. But this book makes me think I’m there. I’m part of an ever evolving tradition that is before me, with me, and beyond me. And that’s exciting. My 4 years are nothing in the grand scheme of things. I’ll be fine. 

5/5 ⭐️ worth the read