A review by saralynnburnett
Would It Kill You to Stop Doing That: A Modern Guide to Manners by Henry Alford


This book was a quick, fun read. Henry Alford is very funny and I found myself chuckling throughout. I especially enjoyed the beginning of his journey through the ins and outs of modern day manners because he went to the (as he calls it) 'Fort Knox of manners' - Japan. After this, he delves into all sorts of American social situations movie theatre "sushers," unresponsive party guests, play dates for your children, wedding invitations, vegetable trading (for real), reverse apologies, false compliments, and so on and so forth... but one area I found lacking that I wish he would have had more to say about was social media. To de-friend or not to de-friend, to block or not to block, do you point out inaccuracies on facebook or 'save face' on facebook? Or what about those friends who seem to enjoy your company when you invite them out, but yet have never once invited you out? Is that a hint, or cluelessness? Or digital family drama? - can you de-friend your uncle without causing a rift or do you sit back and let him prattle on all over your post? I would have liked more of his hilarious commentary on that end.

Anyway - it was a throughly enjoyable read though it didn't really present anything new or thought provoking - mostly a lot of laughs, which fit the bill for a lazy Sunday.