A review by kristynebooknerd
Forest of Firelight by Shari L. Tapscott


This book had me invested right from the start and I am dying waiting for the next book. I was actually in a book hangover and had this in my kindle unlimited ready to read so I finally decided to start it and I am mad I didn't read it sooner. The story was fast paced and I was so invested in the characters. The world building is great and not overwhelming at all.

Amalia is a little naive about the world but that is a little understandable being that she is the princess, she doesn't really know any better plus she wasn't raised as the heir of the throne. Why is it that all male characters named Rhys automatically have my heart? Rhys is probably my favorite even though he is deceiving Amalia but he does start to regret it. I love seeing Rhys and Amalia's relationship develop over the course of the story.

I can't wait for the second book to come out and luckily that isn't too far from now. I can't wait to see how everything unfolds and see how Amalia and Rhys deal with it.