A review by stephanie_inman
Bird Meets Cage by Anyta Sunday


If you look at my shelves, you will see I am a huge fan of Anyta Sunday. I rarely rate her books below four stars. In fact, a few of them have hit five star status, and a few of them are on my favorite books of all time list. Still, I couldn't get into this one. Maybe it's a "me" problem, because this one seems to rate pretty high on her list with other readers. I just had a hard time connecting to the characters. I also didn't feel a connection between the characters.

The story revolves around Nathan, who is nearing 18, and takes a job at the circus, selling cotton candy. There he meets a performer named "Blue" or "Stardust" (as Nathan thinks of him). He is mesmerized by the performer. They become friends, although it's clear there is more to it than just friendship. Still, there is an age difference, and "Blue" isn't one to settle down, preferring his life in the circus.

Time passes. Nathan grows up and has a pretty good life going. The circus returns to town. Will his "Stardust" still be there? And what will it mean for them now that Nathan is a grown man and no longer the naïve teenager who fell in love with "Blue"?

This is a slow burn romance.